Selfpub 6th year


Science Fiction, Wall, walls, stone wall stone walls, barricade, barricades, castle wall, castle walls, spears, spear, javelin, javelins, pike, pikes, pikemen, shield, shields, seige, seiges, beseiged, beseiging, medieval warfare, medieval history, helmet, helmets, infantry, footmen, foot soldiers, armor, armored, barbarians, mercinary, mercinaries, chainmail, sword, swords, blade, blades, weapon, weapons, armed, clan, clans, clansmen, troop, many, many men, many soldiers, group of soldiers, group of men, group of people, day, daytime, tactic, tactics, stragey, strategize, country, nature, outdoors, field, trees, woods, men, crowd, angry, anger, revenge, avenge, path, paths, journey, journeys, adventure, adventures, quest, pilgrimage, pathways, begin, begins, beginning, mission, missions, trip, trips, travel, traveling, traveler, travelers, route, routes, heroic, heroism, brave, bravery, self-sacrifice, sacrifice, violent, violence, mad, action, walk, walks, march, marches, marching, plan, planning, plans, direction, directions, navigate, navigating, goal, goals, arrive, arrives, arriving, arrival, wait, waits, waiting, fate, destiny, await, awaits, awaiting, destination, destinations, leave, leaves, leaving, depart, departs, departure, departing, return, returns, returning, castle, castles, mansion, mansions, palace, palaces, royal palace, chateau, fortress, fortresses, estate, estates, citadel, citadels, architecture, stone, brick, brick wall, brick walls, monarch, monarchy, monarchs, nobility, rule, rules, ruling, ruler, rulers, reign, reigns, reigning, royal, royalty, heir, heirs, inherit, inheritance, inheriting, power, powerful, in charge, control, controls, controlling, kingdom, kingdoms, empire, empires, princes, prince, king, kings, Ancestor, ancestors, ancestry, tradition, traditions, traditional, heritage, culture, cultures, British, Britain, England, English, UK, United Kingdom, an, Irish, Ireland, Celt, Celts, Celtic, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Group of Men, Mil
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Sales price: $102.99


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